Older generations are turning to CBD products as an alternative to traditional medicine, the study found.
There is no slowing for the Baby Boomer generation's use of CBD and cannabinoid products—instead it’s surging. Boomers' use of CBD and cannabinoids increased 212% last year, according to new data from Stirling CBD, a provider of natural and potent CBD products derived from organic hemp, with no psychoactive components.
Now more than 50% of those using the products are in the Baby Boomer and Gen X demographic groups, the company said Tuesday.
"The increased use of CBD products among the older generations, more specifically those born in the 1960s and 1970s, shows the reach and comfortability this generation has with CBD products," said Joe Kryszak, CEO of Stirling, in a statement. "While this generation experienced cannabis decades ago, they are now using CBD products to alleviate ailments and live a longer and potentially pain-free life."
In fact, 33% of American adults have used CBD once or more, according to a 2020 CBD survey from SingleCare.
What makes CBD so popular in these generations is that it does not have a psychoactive effect on its user, SingleCare said on its website. Relief from occasional pain, blood management and improved brain function are a few of the health benefits of CBD products for older generations, the company said in a statement.
Of those who use CBD, 22% said it helped them supplement or replace prescription or over-the-counter drugs, according to a January 2019 Consumer Reports survey of more than 4,000 American.
"People in the Baby Boomer generation, born from 1946 to 1964, and Gen X, born from 1965 to 1979, may have had experience with cannabis but are unaware of the distinction between cannabis and hemp," Kryszak noted.